Welcome to my projects page...adding more soon!
Educational & Hobby
Micro Blog App
Minimal and fast micro blogging app. Watch a preview of your post update in real ime and use remarkable syntax to quickly add formatting.
The micro blog app is built with React. All data is stored via Firebase and secured behind a login. The styling follows Google's Material guidlines for beauty and speed.
Feel free to check it out.
Technologies Used:
- React
- Firebase Realtime Database
- Babel
- webpack
- Node.js
- Git
Recipe App
Simple, no-frills recipe app for storing a list of recipes and needed ingredients. Check each ingredient you have on hand and never forget the instructions.
The recipe app is 100% front end. All data is stored via localstorage in your device's browser. Data is updated and stored in real time, including if you have multiple tabs open.
Feel free to check it out.
Technologies Used:
- Vanilla Javascript (ES6)
- Browser Local Storage
- Babel
- webpack
- Node.js
- Git
- Edamam API